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"This is a rare book that brings together children and the adults in their world... that invites into the written story and our own story. This book will prove to be an essential gift to readers and deserves a wide distribution."
World Pastoral Care Center
"Elissa Al-Chokhachy writes the way angels fly, and artist Graf paints like they smile. In love and in plentitude. For families who have loved and lost. For children who are born special."
The Book Reader

"This most beautiful story is truly from the heart. It should be required reading for every nurse. What a gift to share with the world!"
Susan Nordemo, Registered nurse

"I have always felt an abstract bond with the sister I never knew... she died one year before I was born. After reading The Angel with the Golden Glow, I take comfort in our relationship as sisters and friends forever. I am so grateful for my angel. And I am beginning to see that we all have a purpose... and there must have a little angel in us all."
Holly Ventola
"The Angel with the Golden Glow offers hope in grief. It holds joy and grief in the same place, honoring and connecting these two truths."
Martha Hayward

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Backgrounds on the author, Elissa Al-Chokhachy, and the illustrator, Ulrike Graf.

Published reviews of The Angel with the Golden Glow.
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Communicating with author Elissa Al-Chokhachy.
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